Introducing NOKUKO GIFT CARD - For your fellow art and photo enthusiat.

Introducing NOKUKO GIFT CARD - For your fellow art and photo enthusiat.


Sometimes it can be difficult what to give to your love ones or just the amazing people around you. What do they like?
Well.. to ease some of that pain for you, are we now..

We are introducing a NOKUKO gift card.

So if you want to give a fellow art or photo enthusiast a present, which they really would appreciate. But you're a bit unsure, of what they like. Then this is certainly an option for you.

Information about the gift card:

  • It can be used on all our prints. No matter what artist and whether it's for art or photo print. This gift card is for our entire collection.
  • There's no expiration date on it just as long as the receiver remembers the unique gift card code.
  • Choose between our selected large variety of price options, which go from 44€ - 250€.
  • We're going all green on this one. We're therefore only offering our gift card in a digital format with our beloved Mother Earth in mind.
  • If you have any questions - please reach out and let us know.


For the rest of November, we offer 10% off on all our prints.. AND free worldwide shipping for total orders over 135€.. WOW! isn't that amazing? It was just to let you know :)

Click on the photo below to see our gift card.

NOKUKO gift card blogpost november 2022
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Welcome to NOKUKO, your entrance to a spectacular collection and creative space of original art and prints. Our exclusive range features carefully crafted masterpieces from artists such as Alan Pedersen - ALANTHEROCK, SOAL Studio, and Pública Rework.

Explore various art styles, with each piece thoughtfully created through different methods and sources. Our collection embodies thoughts, reflections, feelings, passion, and stories.

Dive into a world of artistic diversity that transcends conventional boundaries. Each piece is a unique expression, inviting you to discover the rich narratives and creative journeys within our NOKUKO collection.