GIVEAWAY - Alan Pedersen - Alantherock - Ends on Sunday the 9th of February 2020

GIVEAWAY - Alan Pedersen - Alantherock - Ends on Sunday the 9th of February 2020

Do you want one of Alan’s exclusive prints?

Birthday present - Now we’re giving out on of his art or photo prints on Instagram



In Partnership with Alantherock, We're giving out one of his art or photo print, free of choice, in A2/50cm x 70 cm  Due to Alan's birthday recently, he wants to give away one of his incredible prints for free.

How you participate

Go to our instagram account_ @nokuko_art

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  • Like the giveaway post -

  • Write a positive comment

    That’s it.

    One winner will be picked among all the comments on both our and Alan's Instagram account. The winner will be picked randomly.

    Finding the winner_

    Alan will find the winner on Sunday the 9th of February 2020. The winner will be announced in our Instagram story and on NOKUKO's Instagram account_ @nokuko_art.  We will contact the winner directly for further information.

    Help and Hints_

    If you go to @alantherock and do the same. You actually increase your chances. So check out his Instagram account.

    It’s free to participate - by participating you accept that we may contact you for the required information to send the ‘giveaway’ to the correct address -  this information will not be shared.

    Thanks to all of you and the best of luck

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Welcome to NOKUKO, your entrance to a spectacular collection and creative space of original art and prints. Our exclusive range features carefully crafted masterpieces from artists such as Alan Pedersen - ALANTHEROCK, SOAL Studio, and Pública Rework.

Explore various art styles, with each piece thoughtfully created through different methods and sources. Our collection embodies thoughts, reflections, feelings, passion, and stories.

Dive into a world of artistic diversity that transcends conventional boundaries. Each piece is a unique expression, inviting you to discover the rich narratives and creative journeys within our NOKUKO collection.