New international member joins the NOKUKO_ We’re delighted to present Pública Rework.
Now NOKUKO has taken yet a step further in offering incredible art pieces and embrace diversity. This time it includes elements from many already established famous artists in a new way.
We constantly stepping forward to deliver even more high-quality exclusive prints for art enthusiasts. This time we have expanded our range with interesting and brilliant art prints created by Pública Rework. Pública Rework creates unique new art prints, where some are based on other beautiful art masterpieces. You probably already know some of them, which are Vincent Willem van Gogh, William Morris, Ohara Koson & Oscar-Claude Monet. Every art piece is carefully created with thoughts behind. In each description of the art print - you’ll also find references to the original art pieces.
As mentioned, is it essential for us to offer a variety of beautiful art with various approaches and styles. Therefore, are we truly excited, that we now can offer even more amazing art prints to quality-conscious enthusiasts.
With own description_
Pública Rework
Publica Rework is built on the concept of creating and extent the art value. Their intention is to create new art based on current art with respect for the old art pieces and the artists behind. With their own words_ "Remixes, mashups, remastering and reworks are usual in other genres of the art world for example in music and games(which we also consider some to be artistic masterpieces). By doing so, it doesn't mean at the original masterpiece isn't incredible, by all means. New editions just contribute to new frames or occasions.